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Post Category: Security

8 Powerful Reasons to Use Viewer Logins For Your Videos

5 MIN TO READ Sometimes, you don’t want the whole world to see your video. In fact, many of the businesses we talk to are more concerned about the privacy of their videos than anything else. Issuing a login to viewers, with which they can access your videos, is a highly secure and easy way to share your content. It’s simple to setup, straightforward for…

Video 101: Should I Allow Viewers to Download my Videos?

3 MIN TO READ Image Credit: A very common question we get asked at SproutVideo is pretty fundamental to the security of your online content: should I let people download my online hosted videos? Naturally the most appropriate answer is, “that depends,” but we can help you narrow it down for your specific circumstances, and ultimately make the best decision. Read on for…

What to do if Someone Steals your Videos Online

5 MIN TO READ One of the worst things that can happen to you is someone misappropriating your content online. Luckily, you can do a lot to prevent that from happening in the first place. Even in the worst case scenario, you still may have some recourse. Here are the key steps you need to take to ensure that your content will remain yours, and…

How to Protect and Market Paid Video Content

5 MIN TO READ Monetizing your video content is a very popular business idea that works well in a variety of industries – not just entertainment. For instance, you can include paid video content as part of an online course, for consulting, or for personal training. Here are the important steps to take for video security and marketing to make sure you’re building a…