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Posts Tagged with: Lighting

How to Upgrade Your Home Video Studio

6 MIN TO READ Whether you’re starting from scratch, or ready to make some upgrades, your home studio is an important investment in this day and age. But, there are endless options for lights, microphones, and cameras, and it’s hard to know if they’re really worth the money. In this How To Video episode, we’ll be breaking down different types of gear you can…

228 Days Later: Behind the Scenes

6 MIN TO READ This year, we had no shortage of inspiration for a scary Halloween video. Between the natural disasters, global pandemic, murder hornets, and our overall stress levels, there was a lot to work with. However, we also had to operate with a very small crew, with everyone’s safety as the very first priority. Some of our ideas were just unworkable with…

The Simple Trick to Lighting Still Life Video Shoots

7 MIN TO READ Tabletop shooting is a very specific type of video shoot that can be really hard to get right. Also referred to as still life shooting, it’s very much what it sounds like. Usually, an object is filmed on top of a flat surface in great detail. Think products, tutorials, or stop motion videos. These classic examples of tabletop filming require…

Video Production 101: Lighting

5 MIN TO READ Good lighting is an important part of making your video look and feel professional. Having light sources chosen and placed correctly will make a big difference, ensuring that colors pop and that your image is clear and bright. To help you set off on the right foot, we put together a primer on the basics of proper lighting for video.