Embed Code Parameters

The iframe based embed codes can take many different parameters that change the look and feel as well as the behavior of the player. You can combine multiple parameters to customize your player to suit your needs. Here is an example:

If your regular embed code looks like this:

<iframe class='sproutvideo-player' src='//videos.sproutvideo.com/embed/2898d2bb141ce2c990/2a3ed5a6d9baecd1' width='630' height='473' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen referrerpolicy='no-referrer-when-downgrade'></iframe>

And you want it to autoplay and loop, you would add the autoPlay=true and loop=true parameters to the src attribute like this:

<iframe class='sproutvideo-player' src='//videos.sproutvideo.com/embed/2898d2bb141ce2c990/2a3ed5a6d9baecd1?autoPlay=true&loop=true' width='630' height='473' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen referrerpolicy='no-referrer-when-downgrade'></iframe>

Below is a list of all of the available parameters:

Basic Parameters

Query Parameter Default Value Description
autoPlay false Play the video automatically upon load.
type sd Force the player to play the video in either hd or sd.
playerColor 2f3437 This is the color used to customize the look and feel of your video player in hex.
playerTheme dark This is the theme used to customize the look and feel of your video player. The other option in ‘light’.
bigPlayButton true Display the large play button in the pre-play state. Setting this to false will display the tool bar at the bottom of the video instead.
showControls true Display the player controls. Setting this to false will completely hide all player controls. This is useful if you want to create your own player skin.
volumeControl true Display the volume control.
fullscreenButton true Display the fullscreen button.
seekBar true Display the seek bar.
loop false Loop the video.
t   Starts the video at the specified time (in seconds) instead of the beginning of the video.
transparent false Makes the iframe transparent (helps when there are little 1px black lines in the video from the aspect ratio not matching perfectly).
scale scale Allows the user to set the video to fill the entire width and height of the iframe instead of scaling to fit the player box. Setting this to fill will do that. This may result in the video being cropped.
vemail   Track the viewer’s email address in engagement metrics. Pass in the email address.
cc   Launches subtitles automatically when set to the ISO 639-1 code that corresponds to your desired language.
volume 1 Set to a number between 0 - 1 to launch the player at a specific volume or muted.
background true Hides all player controls, hides the buffering icon, and hides the mute icon if autoplay is enabled.
playsinline true Prevents the video from going fullscreen on mobile.
disablePIP true Disables support for picture in picture

Email Gate (Lead Capture) Parameters

Query Parameter Default Value Description
emailTopText Complete the form below to view this video. The prompt text to be displayed above the form if the video is email-gated (lead capture enabled).
emailFgColor eeeeee The prompt text color (for the text displayed above the form).
emailBgColor 3e4448 The background color of the overlay behind the form.
emailOpacity 0.7 The opacity of the overlay behind the form. Set a number between 0 - 1.
emailBlur 5 Obscure the video thumbnail (poster frame) by applying a blur to the image. The default is 5 which sets the blur filter to 5px. This value can be any integer from 0 to 30.
emailFormWidth wide The relative width of the form within the player. Can either be wide or narrow.

URL Parameters

Query Parameter Default Value Description
vtime   Starts the video at the specified time (in seconds) instead of the beginning of the video.

Post-Play Parameters

Query Parameter Default Value Description
postrollText   The text to display for the post-play link when the video has finished playing. You should use this OR postrollHtml but NOT both.
postrollUrl   The url to be used when clicking on the post-play screen when postrollText is passed in.
postrollFontSize 36 The size of the font to be used for the post-play link text.
postrollFontColor FFFFFF The color of the text in the post-play screen in hex.
postrollBgColor 666666 The color to use for the background of the post-play screen in hex.
postrollTarget _blank The target for the post play link. The two available options are _blank or _top. _blank will open the link in a new tab and _top will open the link in the current tab.
postrollHtml   The HTML to display after your video has finished playing. Be sure to convert your HTML using UTF-8 URL encoding. – You should use this OR postrollText but NOT both.

Playlist Parameters

Query Parameter Default Value Description
continuous false Disables the playlist from automatically moving to the next video
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