Poster Frame Cropping on the Video Website

What is Poster Frame Cropping

Poster Frame Cropping allows you to select how the poster frames for non-16:9 videos will appear on your video website. By default, we’ll enable ‘Poster Frame Cropping for Thumbnails’ set to ‘Cover/Fill Container (crop to fit)’ and the ‘Poster Frame Crop Center Focus’ set to ‘Detect Faces.’

How to change your Poster Frame Cropping

To change the Poster Frame Cropping:

  1. Navigate to the Site Editor, select the Settings tab, then scroll down until you see the ‘Settings for Listing Pages.’ Under this heading, you’ll find the Poster Frame Cropping options.

    Navigate to the Poster Frame Cropping options

  2. Select the cropping options you would like to use from the drop-down menus. You’ll see the thumbnails update in the Live Preview to the right. Once selected, be sure to click the Publish Changes button.

    Publish changes to Poster Frame Cropping Options

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