How to Export a CSV Report of All Video Data

Note: This feature is only available on certain plans. Contact with any questions.

The exportable video report provides a list of all videos currently uploaded to your account. It makes it really easy to see all the high level data associated with all the videos in your account.

This report will contain data on the following for each video:

  • Video ID
  • Video Title
  • Privacy Setting
  • Date Uploaded
  • Date Replaced
  • Width
  • Height
  • Duration
  • Number of Loads
  • Number of Visitors
  • Number of Plays
  • Play Rate
  • Seconds Watched
  • Average Engagement
  • Number of Downloads
  • Original File Size (MB)
  • Total Asset Storage (MB)

Note: Download information is only available after 11/14/2017.

To Export Video Report

On your ‘Videos’ page, click on the ‘Report’ button on the top right of the screen. We will send you an email when your report is ready. The link in the email to download the report is valid for 30 days.

video report button for SproutVideo

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