How to Use Folders and Tags

Organizing Your Account

Folders and Tags are two great ways to bring some organization to your videos. Tags allow you to label related videos within your account, while folders will enable you to group videos together.


Creating Tags

To create a new Tag for a video, select the video(s) you’d like to Tag on the Videos Page, mouse over the ‘Add Tag’ button and choose ‘Create New Tag’ to enter a name for your new Tag.

You can also use the plus sign next to the current Tags applied to a video to create new Tags to associate with that video.

Adding Tags to a Video

To add a Tag to a video, go to the Video details page and select the video(s) you wish to Tag, mouse over the ‘Add Tag’ drop-down menu, and choose the Tag(s) you want to add to your selected video(s).

You can also use the plus (+) sign next to the current tags applied to a video to add more tags.

Removing Tags from a Video

To remove a Tag from a video, go to the video details page, and click the ‘X’ next to the Tag. The Tag will be removed from that particular video, but it will not be deleted entirely. Make sure to click Save Changes after removing a Tag.

Deleting Tags

To delete or edit tags, mouse over the ‘Filter By Tags’ button on the main Videos page, then click ‘Manage Tags’ in the drop-down menu.


Creating a Folder

To create a new folder, click the folder icon at the top of your videos page. Enter a folder name and click ‘Create Folder.’ With folders, you can create a hierarchical organization and create or move folders into other folders.

Moving Folders and Videos

You can move videos and folders into other folders. Select the video or folder you would like to move and click the ‘Move’ button. You can select an existing folder to move your folder into or create a new one. Click ‘Move To Selected Folder’ when done.

Deleting Folders

To delete a folder from your account, select the desired folder on your video page and click the delete icon.

When deleting a folder, you have the option to delete the folder along with all videos contained in it or only to delete the folder and move all the videos back to your home view.

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