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Posts Tagged with: COVID-19

The New Normal for Video Production

5 MIN TO READ A year ago, video productions of all shapes and sizes came to a screeching halt. The outbreak of COVID-19 upended the industry, and put many, many people out of work. As the months ground on, creative ways were found to manage shoots safely, and work has resumed for much of the industry. Still, a lot of that work looks pretty…

How Major Tech Brands Responded to the Pandemic with Video

4 MIN TO READ This year, brands have been challenged like never before to keep up with a rapidly changing environment in the face of several ongoing crises. In particular, the pandemic has presented significant difficulties for video marketing, and not just in terms of production, but also in terms of messaging and resonating with audiences. In this post, we dissect the approaches of…

Staying Safe on Set in a Pandemic

6 MIN TO READ Is it possible to run a shoot safely in a pandemic? It’s been several months since the world came to a screeching halt, and many of us are eager to get behind or in front of a camera again.  However, the stakes are clearly high. For cast and crew, and anyone close to them, a serious illness could be a…