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Posts Tagged with: Video Marketing

How to Make a Captivating Teaser Video

4 MIN TO READ The perfect teasers are created to grab the attention of viewers and keep them wanting more. But, how do you craft one without giving too much away? In this post, we’ll be examining teasers and content snippets we’ve created, and deep-diving into the elements of what makes them successful. What is Teaser Content? A teaser is a short video that…

Add New Revenue Streams to Your Business With Video

7 MIN TO READ Since COVID-19 pulled the rug out from under our collective feet, many businesses are recalibrating and scrambling to come up with new go-to-market strategies. For many, video is the answer to creating much-needed streams of revenue. Of course, this doesn’t apply only in crisis situations. Having multiple sources of income helps bring stability and growth to businesses no matter what’s…

How to Handle Trending Video Topics 

6 MIN TO READ Sometimes, you can choose when to participate in a fun and lighthearted online trend. Other times, that decision is made for you by crises that force you to upend your best laid plans. So, how do you know when to sit out a trend or jump on it? And, what should you do if you don’t have a choice? In…

Four Secrets to Optimizing Video for Social Sharing

5 MIN TO READ Marketing videos are rarely shared in just one place. Most are published not just on your website, but across a multitude of social platforms, each with different aspect ratios, resolution limits, and time limits. So, how can you make sure your video will work no matter where it’s being shared without quadrupling your workload? In this episode of our “How…

7 Best Practices for Restricting Sharing for Business Video

5 MIN TO READ Videos aren’t just for marketing. They can also be leveraged for internal communications, training, collaboration, and in client deliverables. In those types of scenarios, it’s critically important to be able to restrict your audience to a select group. In this post, we’ll walk through seven examples of when curtailing sharing is necessary, and best practices for securing your videos with…

How the World’s Top Three Airlines Approach Video Marketing

4 MIN TO READ Summer is almost here! Maybe that’s why this TripAdvisor list announcing the world’s top airlines got our attention. The warmer temps tend to bring lots of vacations to faraway places, making this a busy season for air travel. But which airline to choose? Because the travel industry is extremely competitive, each airline has to differentiate itself in order to stay…

How to Use the Six Persuasion Principles in Your Video Marketing Campaigns

6 MIN TO READ Choice overload is a cognitive process in which a person has a difficult time making a decision when faced with many options. If it sounds familiar, it’s because it’s a universal problem. There are few industries left that are not hyper-competitive and crowded with options. Couple this with the fact that we are all bombarded practically non-stop with advertisements in-person,…

Your New Product Launch Video Marketing Plan

4 MIN TO READ Long gone are the days of bringing in communications last-minute for your new product or feature release. While it may have been enough before to send out a press release and schedule a press conference a few days before your big release, it’s now imperative that companies large and small take a more strategic, integrative approach. Today, video can help…