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Posts Tagged with: Video Trends

Ace Your Video Interview

3 MIN TO READ Using video conferences to prescreen job candidates is not new, and has been happening since Skype and other platforms made it easy to connect with people through a webcam. A more recent trend is the use of pre-recorded videos in the application process, where, rather than writing out their responses to interview questions or a phone screen, a candidate has…

Video Meets Snail Mail

< 1 MIN TO READ SproutVideo is excited to share a super cool little video innovation – just in time for the holidays! If you are lucky enough to live in Australia, you have a new option for seasons’ greetings. Their unexpectedly innovative national post service developed a video-enabled stamp for packages and regular mail.

How to Leverage Online Video for Charitable Causes

3 MIN TO READ “Cause marketing” is defined by Wikipedia as any type of marketing relationship for social and other charitable causes. It sometimes incorporates fundraising because it can be a win-win for a brand and a great cause. Some of the possible benefits include improved public relations and customer relationships, and additional marketing opportunities. The very best benefits, of course, are investing in…