How to Enable the HubSpot Integration

SproutVideo offers several different email and marketing automation platform integrations. Setting them up is a breeze! In this article, we will go through how to enable the HubSpot integration.

Before getting started, you must have an existing account with HubSpot. You can get started with a free HubSpot trial if you don’t have an account yet. You must also have an existing SproutVideo account. If you need to open an account, start your free trial with SproutVideo today.

How to Enable the HubSpot Integration

  1. Log into SproutVideo and navigate to ‘Account’ > ‘Account Settings’ > ‘Partner Integrations.’
    How to find Email integrations
  2. Click the green ‘Connect’ button next to HubSpot.
    Select HubSpot
  3. You will be taken to an HubSpot page to allow SproutVideo access to your HubSpot account. Enter your HubSpot login information and click ‘Log in.’
    Log in to HubSpot
  4. SproutVideo will need to be able to access and edit certain information in your HubSpot account in order for this integration to work. Click ‘Grant Access’ to finalize the setup.
    Grant SproutVideo access to your HubSpot account
  5. Congratulations, your HubSpot integration is now enabled! – If you do not have lead capture enabled on your video(s), and you are embedding your videos on a HubSpot landing page or any page with the HubSpot tracking code, you should add the provided JavaScript code right before the closing </body> tag on your page to ensure your video engagement is passed to HubSpot. You can copy the full code from the Integrations page in your SproutVideo account.
    HubSpot Tracking Code
  6. Once you’ve connected, you can also choose to sync your SproutVideo library with HubSpot to more easily embed your videos in HubSpot landing pages, email templates, etc. You can choose to sync all videos with HubSpot, only sync selected SproutVideo folders and/or tags, or disable syncing. Learn more about the SproutVideo + HubSpot media bridge capabilities on our blog and the HubSpot App Marketplace.
    HubSpot Media Bridge

Note: After the HubSpot integration has been enabled, you may see the HubSpot chat box appear on your videos. The setting that controls where the chat box appears is an option in your HubSpot account. Learn how to set up your HubSpot Chatflows to change the chat box target.

Find SproutVideo Viewer Engagement in HubSpot

IMPORTANT: Ensure that you have enabled lead capture for your video(s) in SproutVideo, or included the additional JavaScript tracking code mentioned above for videos embedded outside of SproutVideo-hosted landing pages.

When a viewer watches any of your videos hosted by SproutVideo, the title of the video they watched, the URL where the view occurred, and how much of your video the viewer watched (1%, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%) will be passed to HubSpot and included in the Contact activity stream.

If the viewer is not an existing Contact, a new contact will be created with their email address and full name (if included in the lead capture form).

HubSpot Contact List

HubSpot Contact Page

Within HubSpot, you can use this information to send targeted messaging to segments of your list. Start growing your Contacts and leveraging our powerful video marketing tools today.

Pro Tip: When you integrate SproutVideo and HubSpot, you can use HubSpot’s Custom Report Builder to create reports using your video engagement data. Simply select “Media” as a primary or secondary data source when setting up your new custom report in HubSpot.

If you need support for this integration, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SproutVideo support team.

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