How to Manage Team Members in Your SproutVideo Account

Managing Team Members in your SproutVideo Account

With SproutVideo, you can add team members to your account for collaboration and assistance in managing your video projects.

The number of account seats you have will vary based on your plan. View our pricing plans detail table or the Manage Subscription page in your Account Settings for more information about the number of team members available on your plan.

Inviting a New Team Member

Navigate to your ‘Account Settings’ and select ‘Team Members’.

Adding A New Team Member

While on the Team Members page, click the “+ ADD A TEAM MEMBER” button at the bottom of your Current Team Members list. Then, enter the new team member’s email address and select their role. Click the “INVITE” button to send your invitation.

New team member invitation form

Your new team member invitations will appear in the list titled Pending Invitations. If you already have pending invitations in your account, the new invitation is added to the bottom of that existing list.

Once your new team member has accepted the invitation to join your SproutVideo account, they will be listed in the Current Team Members list.

Managing Pending Team Member Invitations

All invitations waiting to be accepted will be listed under ‘Pending Invitations’ (below the Current Team Members list). Note that the Pending Invitations list is only visible when you have invitations that have been sent and not accepted.

In this list, you’ll see the email address and date / time for any invitation email that has been sent. You can choose re-send or delete any pending invitation. If you re-send an invitation, the date and time will update in this list. Deleting an invitation will invalidate the invitation link sent in the original invitation email.

In this list, you’ll also see the role that was selected when the invitation was created. This role cannot be edited. If you made an error, you can either delete the pending invitation and create a new one with the correct role, or wait for the team member to accept the invitation and modify their role later.

Once your new team member accepts the invitation to join your SproutVideo account, they will be listed under ‘Current Team Members,’ where you can manage their permissions or revoke access.

Pending SproutVideo team member invitations

Change a Team Member’s Role

If you would like to modify the role for any existing team member, simply click the dropdown menu next to any team member’s name in the Current Team Members list and choose their new role. Note that you can only select Admin or Editor at this time. If you are the account owner and you would like to transfer ownership to another team member, see the “Transferring Account Ownership” section below.

Roles Available for Team Members

OWNER The SproutVideo account owner has access to everything in the account. There can only be one owner per account. Only the account owner can cancel or transfer account ownership.

ADMIN Admins have all the same permissions as an owner but are not able to cancel or transfer account ownership. An account can have multiple admins.

EDITOR The Editor role is designed to be limited to video management. There can be many editors within an account.

Editors have access to the following aspects of the account:

  • Video library management (uploading, editing privacy settings, deleting, and sharing)
  • Playlist management (creating, editing privacy settings, deleting, and sharing)
  • Viewer login management (adding, deleting, and setting video access permissions)
  • Analytics data and engagement metrics reporting
  • Video website themes

Editors do not have the ability to do the following:

  • Add or remove other team members
  • Make changes to billing settings
  • Edit account-wide video settings
  • Edit the video website settings for the account
  • Check the team member audit log

Viewing Team Member Activity

Once a team member has joined your SproutVideo account, you can view their activity in your account audit log to review any account or content changes.

Removing A Team Member

If a current team member no longer requires access to your SproutVideo account, you can remove them by simply clicking the trash can icon to the right of their name in the Current Team Members list.

Revoke access to your SproutVideo account for an existing team member

Click “Yes, Remove This User” in the modal to confirm.

Transferring Account Ownership

If you need to transfer ownership of your SproutVideo account, first ensure the intended new owner is an existing team member by navigating to your Team Members page in your Account Settings. If the intended new owner is not a current team member, invite them to join your account before moving forward.

Only the existing account owner can transfer ownership of the account. If you are the account owner, you will see a crown icon to the right of any current team member. Click this crown icon to transfer ownership to the selected team member.

Transferring Account Ownership to Existing Team Member!

After clicking the crown icon, a confirmation modal will appear. You must type “TRANSFER” in the text input box, then click “Transfer Ownership” to confirm your change.

Please note that we do not recommend changing your personal profile information to a new user’s email address as a means of transferring ownership. Doing so poses various security risks and could cause confusion in your account audit log.

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