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Post Category: Video Production

Breaking Down Our Valentine’s Day Cupcake Video

3 MIN TO READ Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. And with it, comes another opportunity to flex our creative muscles on a sweet promotional video. In this post, we’ll go over our process and share behind-the-scenes photos and video from our brand new cupcake shoot. 

Bringing Video Production In-House

5 MIN TO READ Video marketing is probably a big part of your marketing strategy. And if it isn’t yet, it soon will be. As demand for video goes up, it begs the question: should your company invest in an in-house team to produce your videos? Hiring dedicated team members to produce videos regularly sounds like a dream, but how do you do it?…

How to Find Music and Edit It Into Your Video

3 MIN TO READ In business videos, the musical score tends to be an afterthought. The right music can give your audience just the right feeling and — more importantly — the wrong music may sink your message. In this episode of our How To Video: Post Production series, Ikey Ajavon, marketing content strategist for SproutVideo, will walk you through the importance of choosing the…

Creating an Entertaining Holiday Video in Less Than a Week

3 MIN TO READ Creating a holiday video can be a struggle. Creating a holiday video within a short timeframe can be a nightmare, but it’s not impossible. Having creative limitations sometimes actually enhances the process.  In this blog, we’ll take a look at our own holiday video, walking you through our process from start to finish as we sought to create a cost-effective,…

Use Vintage Lenses to Get in the Holiday Spirit

4 MIN TO READ When it comes to video equipment, people usually want the latest and greatest version they can get their hands on. So, it might be surprising to hear that vintage lenses remain in demand and highly popular for specific types of shoots. In fact, we used rehoused vintage Cooke Speed Panchros in our recent holiday video shoot. Why bother tracking down…

When is an Off-the-Cuff Video Okay?

6 MIN TO READ When should you grab your phone to film a quick video, and when should you invest much more heavily in production? As phones become more and more capable of recording high quality video, it can be hard to know which direction to take.  In this blog, we will be discussing the differences between polished videos and off-the-cuff videos. We’ll look…

The Six Secrets to Stop Motion Animation

6 MIN TO READ Stop motion is the darling video format of the social media age. It’s fun, light-hearted, engaging, and appropriate for many types of videos. So, how can you go about making your own stop motion animation? Since stop motion animation requires a certain level of precision and attention to detail, there are many pitfalls to be aware of. From the lighting…

Amazing Anamorphic: Add Cinematic Flair to Your Footage

7 MIN TO READ Anamorphic lenses are behind some of the most iconic shots in cinema. Their unique characteristics deliver footage with a specific look that movie-lovers and filmmakers fall for over and again. In this episode of our How To Video: Camera series, we’re taking a deep dive into anamorphic lenses, starting with their origins, and how the footage they produce differs from…