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Post Category: Video Production

How Shutter Speed Impacts Your Footage

4 MIN TO READ You’ve probably heard the term shutter speed, but do you actually know what it means, how it works, or how to choose the right speed? There is actually a super simple golden rule to go by, but also a lot more to it than you might think. In this How to Video: Camera episode, we’ll be tackling all things shutter…

Staying Safe on Set in a Pandemic

6 MIN TO READ Is it possible to run a shoot safely in a pandemic? It’s been several months since the world came to a screeching halt, and many of us are eager to get behind or in front of a camera again.  However, the stakes are clearly high. For cast and crew, and anyone close to them, a serious illness could be a…

How to Live Stream Your Next Company Event

5 MIN TO READ As many companies are navigating a sudden switch to a remote workforce for the first time, a big stumbling block has been company-wide events that usually require experts or company leadership to make presentations in person. Important information can’t be delayed, and sometimes, it can’t be shared by email. So, what do you do when you can’t get everyone together?…

6 Components of a Successful Video Testimonial

3 MIN TO READ No matter how many times a sales rep raves about your product or service, it can’t compete with a glowing review or testimonial from an actual customer. It’s like having a friend recommend a product; you’re automatically inclined to trust them. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why video testimonials resonate so well with audiences, using two examples from our own archive. 

Breaking Down Our Valentine’s Day Cupcake Video

3 MIN TO READ Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is upon us once again. And with it, comes another opportunity to flex our creative muscles on a sweet promotional video. In this post, we’ll go over our process and share behind-the-scenes photos and video from our brand new cupcake shoot. 

Bringing Video Production In-House

5 MIN TO READ Video marketing is probably a big part of your marketing strategy. And if it isn’t yet, it soon will be. As demand for video goes up, it begs the question: should your company invest in an in-house team to produce your videos? Hiring dedicated team members to produce videos regularly sounds like a dream, but how do you do it?…

How to Find Music and Edit It Into Your Video

3 MIN TO READ In business videos, the musical score tends to be an afterthought. The right music can give your audience just the right feeling and — more importantly — the wrong music may sink your message. In this episode of our How To Video: Post Production series, Ikey Ajavon, marketing content strategist for SproutVideo, will walk you through the importance of choosing the…