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Posts Tagged with: Social Media

The Importance of Sharing Videos on Social

4 MIN TO READ With so many new social media platforms popping up left and right, it can be tough to determine the best place to post your videos, or whether to post them at all. Not all platforms are equal when it comes to video, but with video becoming an enormous aspect of the social space, it’s more important than ever to get it right.

Business Continuity Plans: Why Video is Essential

5 MIN TO READ In these uncertain times, we’re hearing a lot about prepping for, and coping with, potential disasters. The best way to prevent a calamity of any kind from crippling your business is to be well-prepared ahead of time. A robust business continuity plan is vital to ensuring employees know where to turn and what to do if the unthinkable hits home….

Maximizing Video On Instagram

6 MIN TO READ At 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram simply cannot be ignored. In particular, sharing video on Instagram offers unique opportunities for brand building and engagement that can’t be found elsewhere. In this post, we’re looking at all the different options for sharing video on Instagram, with specific advice for maximizing your content on the platform.

Four Secrets to Optimizing Video for Social Sharing

5 MIN TO READ Marketing videos are rarely shared in just one place. Most are published not just on your website, but across a multitude of social platforms, each with different aspect ratios, resolution limits, and time limits. So, how can you make sure your video will work no matter where it’s being shared without quadrupling your workload? In this episode of our “How…

When is an Off-the-Cuff Video Okay?

6 MIN TO READ When should you grab your phone to film a quick video, and when should you invest much more heavily in production? As phones become more and more capable of recording high quality video, it can be hard to know which direction to take.  In this blog, we will be discussing the differences between polished videos and off-the-cuff videos. We’ll look…

Firefighting: How to Use Video to Respond Quickly Online

6 MIN TO READ It’s one of those days. Everything is going wrong – products are failing, websites are crashing, and customers are grumbling. Worse, they’re posting about it online for the world to see! Before things get out of hand, you need to start engaging with your customers in a helpful and meaningful way. That’s where video comes in. Video can be a…

15 Mistakes Vloggers Can’t Afford to Make

4 MIN TO READ Whether vlogging is your livelihood, a new initiative for the company blog, or a hobby, making high quality videos is a must. This doesn’t necessarily mean using expensive hardware – that’s actually not as important as you might think. Rather, you have to take into account a wide range of elements. From lighting to hyperlinks, special guests to authenticity, here’s a checklist…