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Posts Tagged with: Social Media

8 Tips for Creating Snackable Video Content

3 MIN TO READ Hey, remember that phrase “snackable content”? In a recent post, we talked to you about how social video is the new SEO, and we ever-so-briefly mentioned the importance of content being easy-to-digest and easy-to-share, ie. “snackable.” We quickly realized that snackable content is a whole post unto itself, so to do it justice, we’re going to spend a bit of…

Social Video is the New Video SEO

3 MIN TO READ Video SEO used to be the name of the game, but these days, it’s all about social video. SEO is still definitely important in its own right – you can’t ignore it. However, the lines are increasingly blurring between organic and social discovery. So, what does this mean for your videos, and how can you take advantage of these emerging…

How to Win the War on Clickbait Using Video

3 MIN TO READ We all know a clickbait article when we see one. A catchy headline invites you to click through by hinting at outrageous or unbelievable article contents. It provides just enough detail for you to pause and think, “OK, why not?” In my experience, 9 times out of 10, not actually worth it. And, I’m not the only one who thinks so….

Online Video is Revolutionizing Customer Support

2 MIN TO READ Customer support has come a long way in recent years. Although you might occasionally encounter a call center in a farflung region of the globe, a growing number of companies are introducing the ability to get the help you need instantaneously by leveraging a mix of pre-recorded and live video. Here are some examples of the most creative ways companies…

What a Tease! Promoting Your Videos on Instagram

3 MIN TO READ Instagram has exploded in popularity. It’s become a crucial part of effective social media strategies. And, now is the perfect time to hop on board the train and use this platform to promote your site’s videos. Here are eight inspiring ideas for ways to use Instagram to pique your audience’s interest.

Update: Open Graph Tag Support

2 MIN TO READ Social media is critical to sharing content with new audiences, and building brand awareness. SproutVideo supports Open Graph tags, which enable your videos to be displayed properly on different social platforms. Keep reading for details on how this works!