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Post Category: Video Production

The Poor Film Student’s Guide to an Affordable Education

4 MIN TO READ   The film student. Together, the words paint a vivid picture of a college undergrad. Wildly creative, passionate, a wee bit eccentric, and poor. Very poor. Dedicated to their craft, the film student spends their days in class, their nights immersed in projects, and the infancy of their mornings serving smothered hash browns or filling stained mugs with coffee in…

The Ultimate Guide to Ensuring a Great Video Interview

7 MIN TO READ Good film interviewers are storytellers. They ask the right questions in just the right way, weaving together a seemingly spontaneous narrative. The best interviewers also make their audience think – they’re debaters, researchers, orators, and thoughtful listeners. Consider Martin Bashir and Larry King. They may make strange bedfellows, but they are both examples of engaging interviewers, having built careers by…

Production Tips for Your Summertime Shoots

5 MIN TO READ Summer. “What an amazing opportunity to do some videos,” you think. With all the good weather, sun, popsicles, fireworks, and pets doing watersports, summer can be a great time to do some filming. Let’s back up a bit: sun, weather, and water. These are all elements to consider when planning your summer shoot. Here are a few tips to help…

10 Script Editing Tips for Online Video

4 MIN TO READ Good for you! Your script is written. The journey is almost over. Editing your script is the final, very tall hurdle. Editing can be a gut-wrenching process. But, out of the ashes a better script will rise. Really, it will rise. Here are a few tips of wisdom to make the process less daunting. 1. Vacation Walk away from your…

22 Outdoor Summer Shoots

5 MIN TO READ Summertime is the perfect time to mix up your online video marketing strategy by venturing into the great outdoors! Whether you are making a video just to “check in” with your audience, offering a special summer deal to your customers, or taking advantage of a beautiful outdoor backdrop, occasionally filming outdoors is a great way to introduce a little fun…

Five Places to Find Freelance Videographers

2 MIN TO READ We write a lot about how to make compelling marketing videos on your own. However, sometimes it’s best (or even necessary) to hire a professional. You might lack needed equipment, time, or familiarity with the filming process. No matter the reason, hiring a professional freelance videographer can really pay off. If you’ve never hired a freelance videographer, or have no idea where to find one, we’ll help…