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Posts Tagged with: Mobile

When is an Off-the-Cuff Video Okay?

6 MIN TO READ When should you grab your phone to film a quick video, and when should you invest much more heavily in production? As phones become more and more capable of recording high quality video, it can be hard to know which direction to take.  In this blog, we will be discussing the differences between polished videos and off-the-cuff videos. We’ll look…

Ten Tips to Film Fireworks on a Phone

4 MIN TO READ In our humble opinion, July Fourth is one of the best holidays in America. Everywhere you go you’ll find parties, sparklers, fireworks, and the sweet smells of barbeque. What’s not to love? Well, for one, you might not love the way those awesome fireworks look on your phone when filming with everything set to auto. Avoid disappointing results this Fourth…

How To Build an iPhone Camera Rig and Produce Damn Fine 4K Video

8 MIN TO READ Today’s guest post comes from Zack Ford, the owner of Barbaric Media, a video production studio based in Manhattan. I am shooting films with vibrant picture quality and crisp sound design, and I am doing it with an iPhone 6s. Using a camera rig I invented, and utilizing Adobe Premiere for my entire post-production process, I have turned my small…

What You Need to Know About Mobile Video

3 MIN TO READ Mobile video is frequently talked about as a rapidly growing driver of social sharing of videos, but it will have a much farther reaching impact than that on the future of video in general. We have talked about the importance of being mobile ready, but new data from Ericsson elucidates how critical it really is, as well as the additional…

Quickly and Easily Make Great Video on the Go

4 MIN TO READ Video editing has a reputation for being time-consuming and very technically involved. However, the days of needing a hefty desktop computer and massive monitor are long behind us. That equipment is still justified in many situations. However, video editing apps and more powerful phones are making it easier and faster to produce fantastic video in the palm of your hand with…

Online Video is Revolutionizing Customer Support

2 MIN TO READ Customer support has come a long way in recent years. Although you might occasionally encounter a call center in a farflung region of the globe, a growing number of companies are introducing the ability to get the help you need instantaneously by leveraging a mix of pre-recorded and live video. Here are some examples of the most creative ways companies…

Are Your Online Videos Mobile-Ready?

3 MIN TO READ It is common knowledge that online video consumption is growing by leaps and bounds, but one really important segment of online video requires special attention: mobile video. Whether on a tablet or a smartphone, mobile video is growing faster than online video in general. From 2012 – 2017, global online video traffic is forecast to grow at a CAGR of…

6 Under 5: Inexpensive Apps For Videographers (iOS Edition)

5 MIN TO READ Ideally, you have your kit with you whenever you need to shoot video for your company. Realistically, this isn’t always possible. What you probably always have, however, is your iPhone. Sure, it can do in a pinch for a quick video. However, the basic camera is pretty limited. That’s where these apps come in! Each app that made our list…