SproutVideo is excited to share a super cool little video innovation – just in time for the holidays! If you are lucky enough to live in Australia, you have a new option for seasons’ greetings. Their unexpectedly innovative national post service developed a video-enabled stamp for packages and regular mail.

Yes, that’s right. Paper post. Not-on-the-internet-mail is now video-enabled. Australians taking the time to send plain old mail can now scan a new type of postage stamp with their smartphone, record a short message within the app, and then send it just like a regular package. When the package reaches its destination, the recipient scans the stamp, and experiences the personal sentiment from the sender on their phone.

Australia Video Stamp

The best part? The stamps are free, and the videos are available for viewing 90 days after the package is received.

What message would you send if the USPS started offering these special stamps? Tell us in the comments below.