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Post Category: How-Tos

How to Create a Video Website in 10 Easy Steps

7 MIN TO READ Video websites are designed to showcase video front and center. They are an ideal solution for companies and creators who need a destination for viewers. Whether you want to build an employees-only video library or protect your content behind a paywall, video websites offer an affordable and effective solution. This article covers making a video website in 10 steps, from ideation to launch!

How to Easily Write a Video Script (+ Free Template)

10 MIN TO READ It may be tempting to skip writing a video script in favor of “winging it. Writing a script is crucial to producing a compelling video that people will enjoy watching. It will also save you time, money, and frustration. This complete guide provides step-by-step instructions for writing a video script. Plus, grab our free script template to jumpstart your writing process.

What is Video Metadata and How Do I Use It?

6 MIN TO READ Unlike web pages, which include keyword information, videos rely on metadata to communicate the subject matter. Therefore, metadata is essential for video SEO. This guide will teach you how to use metadata to optimize your video content for search engine discoverability.

11 Evergreen Content Ideas with Video Examples (Updated for 2024)

10 MIN TO READ Evergreen content is highly effective at producing sustainable growth. This type of content continues to provide value for your target audience (and attract visitors) long past its publishing date. Our evergreen content mini-guide will teach you how to brainstorm topics, get the most out of your content, and provide you with a plethora of ideas to get started.

How to Build Your Own Live Streaming Website 

5 MIN TO READ The live streaming industry is a growing market that reached $70 billion in 2021. Using third-party sites like Facebook, Twitch, or YouTube to stream live classes, conferences, or events can be convenient. However, there is value in building your own website and integrating it with a live streaming platform. As the industry continues to grow, there will be some inevitable…

The Six Secrets to Stop Motion Animation

6 MIN TO READ Stop motion is the darling video format of the social media age. It’s fun, light-hearted, engaging, and appropriate for many types of videos. So, how can you go about making your own stop motion animation? Since stop motion animation requires a certain level of precision and attention to detail, there are many pitfalls to be aware of. From the lighting…