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Taking Video to New Heights: GoPro and Drones

3 MIN TO READ Maybe you already own a GoPro or HD video-equipped drone, or maybe you’re thinking of investing in one to bring an element of epicness into your videos. In either case, GoPro and drones have a lot to offer in terms of drama, with the ability to capture powerful new perspectives that translate into amazing video moments. Here are the basics…

Enhance the Five Stages of Your Sales Funnel With Video

4 MIN TO READ The “sales funnel” is a concept used to describe the process of customer acquisition and maintenance, and is likely familiar to you if you’re in the retail or marketing industries. The “funnel” refers to, in effect, the whittling down of your audience to focus on the customers and potential customers with whom engagement will offer the best ROI. In this…

5 Questions to Ask Before Selecting a Video Production Company

3 MIN TO READ You’ve decided you need an explainer video for your homepage to help prospective website visitors understand what you do faster. Great! Your boss approved the budget and you are ready to find a video production company to help you. You may be familiar with companies that have produced videos for your competitors or maybe you’ve been perusing some production company…

Another New Integration! Announcing Aweber for Email Marketing

2 MIN TO READ We’ve been on a roll with new feature announcements recently, and are not planning to stop anytime soon! For example, since December 2014, we launched our Video Site Theme Editor with three beautiful themes, IP Address Restriction and Single-Sign-On, the ability to replace a video, and two other video marketing integrations to boot. As our third integration to date, we…

Update: Replace Existing Videos with a New Version!

2 MIN TO READ Today, the SproutVideo team brings you one of our most popularly requested features – the ability to replace an existing video file without having to subsequently email new links, update embed codes, or setup video privacy settings all over again. Read on for more details about how this simple yet highly useful feature works, and how you can use it…

10 Tips for Optimizing Large Video Libraries

4 MIN TO READ Working with large video libraries is often needlessly complicated and frustrating. Old content gets forgotten, videos are hard to find, and you may even have some duplicates in there. Here are 10 simple ways you can streamline video management to ensure your expansive video collection stays organized, secure, and easy to explore for your viewers.