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Post Category: Video Marketing

10 Best Practices for Successful Webinars

5 MIN TO READ Webinars are one of the most used and abused business tools out there. They can be employed in many different ways for a multitude of aims, but that also means there is a lot of potential for misuse and missteps. The goal of a webinar and its target audience mean there are nuances to how they should best be used….

Is The New York Times’ New Strategy for Online Video Working?

3 MIN TO READ Not too long ago, print newspapers were declared dead in the water. The recession was brutal to businesses built on paper subscriptions, and many industry players were consolidated or shuttered as readership dropped and their ad revenue model unraveled. The New York Times is one of the few that emerged with a better online business model for content delivery, subscription…

Video Marketing Lessons From George Takei

2 MIN TO READ Few people have managed to maintain a positive and interesting public persona for as long as George Takei. Best known for his role as Hikaru Sulu in Star Trek, George Takei is now known for his hilarious social media posts, and his far more serious stance on social justice and marriage equality. Putting politics aside, George Takei is a serious…

The Problem With Video Ads

3 MIN TO READ Articles about the fast-growing video ads market are everywhere these days. Many focus on the opportunities presented by the explosive growth of this advertising medium, with some even predicting the demise of TV advertising. However, some hit the nail on the head and decry the rampant fraud plaguing video ads. Although several different flaws in the system have been rightly…

The Importance of Context for your Video

3 MIN TO READ No video exists in a vacuum. It’s really important to consider the context of any video you create. For a simple starting point, what does the site look like where you are embedding it? What broader business aims are you trying to achieve by putting video on that page? How does this fit with the rest of your marketing strategy and your…

What You Need to Know About Mobile Video

3 MIN TO READ Mobile video is frequently talked about as a rapidly growing driver of social sharing of videos, but it will have a much farther reaching impact than that on the future of video in general. We have talked about the importance of being mobile ready, but new data from Ericsson elucidates how critical it really is, as well as the additional…

7 Secrets for Efficient Video Marketing

3 MIN TO READ Video marketing works. Not only does video make your website and your company more visible (fun fact: video content can greatly increase your SEO ranking), but it can be so much more compelling than copy or still images. The downside is that video marketing takes more investment than most other methods. Camera, lighting, script, editing, graphics… it can all add…

Five Steps to Acquire and Grow Your Audience

4 MIN TO READ Whether you are just getting started with online video, or are regularly sharing it online, growing your audience is key. However, it can be really challenging to rise above the noise and stand out from the crowd. In this post, we cover five key steps that lay out exactly how to create and scale an audience for your online videos.