Bottling everything up never did anyone any good! Releasing your feelings on video is not only cathartic, it makes for an authentic video that tells your followers exactly what you’re all about.

But, you don’t want to come across as someone with anger issues! There’s a fine line between letting people know what you’re really thinking, and oversharing, or offending.

In this post, you’ll learn how to share your feelings on camera (the legally safe way), dress the set, and engage with viewers.

What’s bothering you?

Whether you’re a professional blogger, or marketing your business, you’ll want to discuss a topic that won’t get you into legal trouble. Bashing a competitor or an individual on video might lead to lots of views and engagement from your audience, but could result in legal proceedings against you.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t use video to share something that’s bothering you. A passionate monologue about a subject that’s close to your heart is perfect for telling people what you’re all about. It’s the type of video that people are most likely to respond to. But, be careful about what you say. As a priority, familiarize yourself with defamation law.

The best topics are those that resonate with your audience. Channel 7 anchor Alexis Bloomer’s video rant about entitled Millennials struck a chord:

With more than 44 million viewers and over 1 million shares, what exactly did this video rant get so right? It’s simple – Alexis talked about something that mattered to her. She saw something, had a strong opinion on it, and shared it.

Consider other messages you’re sharing.

When you produce a video rant, you’re sharing a verbal message (the words you have chosen) and a non-verbal message (your clothing and the background). It’s just as important to control the non-verbal message. You might be ranting, but appearing on camera in your pajamas isn’t going to lend your message much authority!

Look your audience in the eye to give a truly powerful delivery. A confident speaker who looks directly at the camera will be much more engaging than one who looks elsewhere. It’s a good idea to practice your rant early and often if you’re inexperienced or not confident in front of the camera. If you haven’t read it already, our recent post, Afraid of the Camera? Face Your Fears With These 13 Tips, is a great place to start if you’re looking for ways to be more confident on camera.

Think about the background as a movie set. Dress the set with decor and props that help to reinforce your message. It could be as simple as removing (or adding!) clutter, swapping out some art, or moving plants around.

As ever, lighting is important to consider. Even basic knowledge of lighting and an inexpensive light box will make you look great, so make lighting a priority. If you’re filming in your home, our guide 10 Tips for Lighting Your House for a Video Shoot will be invaluable.

And after you’ve vented…

Take a deep breath, then start editing! This is where you’ll make your video more polished. It’s a chance to remove any comments that you’re not 100% happy to stand behind, should someone call you out on them.

You can hire someone to edit your video, or invest some time and money into learning how to do it yourself. Editing software ranges in price from free (try iMovie or MovieMaker) to more than $300 for professional-level products such as Adobe Premier Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro X and Avid Media Composer. There are lots of tips on editing in our blog Video Production 101: Video Editing Options.

vlogger engagement comments

Is your skin thick enough?

It’s inevitable that a video rant will provoke a reaction with your audience. Some will wholeheartedly agree, others will disagree.

Remember – even if it gets a little heated – this is what you want. You’re trying to make a video that’s provocative enough to encourage people to spend time sharing their opinion!

Take a look at the Facebook comments under Alexis Bloom’s video to see the range of opinion a video rant can inspire. They run the gamut from enthusiastic accord, to downright mean-spirited.

There’s a reason people say, “Don’t feed the trolls.” It’s best to ignore comments that don’t offer anything to the debate. Remain open to constructive comments and respond to the ones that promote healthy debate. If you wind up changing your mind as a result, then that’s an opportunity to make another video!


A video rant might seem off the cuff, but the reality is that it takes preparation, practice, and video production skills. Here’s your checklist for a video rant that will get your audience talking:

  • Suitable topic
  • Solid basis for your opinions
  • Confident delivery
  • Lighting and editing skills
  • Ability to deal with comments – good and bad

Have you ever made a video rant? Got any tips we missed? Please share with us in the comments below.