Posts by "Ikey Ajavon"

53 posts found

Authentically Inclusive Video Marketing: A Step by Step Guide

8 MIN TO READ Whether this post finds you at the start of your journey, or whether your company is already practicing inclusive marketing, we’re sharing our perspective to help you go even further than before. This is not an overnight transformation, and it’s much, much more than ensuring racial diversity in your choice of actors or voiceovers. Today, we’re specifically looking at how…

How to Make a Captivating Teaser Video

4 MIN TO READ The perfect teasers are created to grab the attention of viewers and keep them wanting more. But, how do you craft one without giving too much away? In this post, we’ll be examining teasers and content snippets we’ve created, and deep-diving into the elements of what makes them successful. What is Teaser Content? A teaser is a short video that…

Clearing up Codecs: Raw, Log, and Compression Demystified

4 MIN TO READ Footage can be recorded in several formats: uncompressed raw, Log, or standard color space to name a few.  But, what do those terms even mean, and how do they impact your final result? In this week’s How To Video: Post Production episode, we’re going to be taking a deep dive into the different types of video codecs, and the effect…

Are Full-Frame Sensors the Future?

4 MIN TO READ The rise of full-frame sensors has been on its way for years now. However, Super 35 is still seen as the standard for most serious filmmakers. In this episode of How To Video: Camera series, creative director Nick LaClair discusses some of the pros and cons of full-frame sensors, and what he would buy right now. History Super 35 (or…

Using Video To Promote Employee Wellness

5 MIN TO READ Just because nearly everyone is working from home doesn’t mean that your employee wellness program has to come to a screeching halt. Now more than ever, your employees will be turning to any source they can for ways to stay mentally and physically healthy. With the power of video, your employee wellness program can provide exactly what they need. Studies…

Exactly How to Nail Your Message On Camera

6 MIN TO READ Delivering a message on camera is one of the most challenging parts of creating professional videos, especially if you’re not used to being the star of the show. In the second part of our How To Video: Filming Solo series on filming all by your lonesome, we’re looking at how best to get your message across. Whether you read from…

How to Film Yourself for a Professional Result

7 MIN TO READ In this episode of our How To Video: Filming Solo series, our Creative Director, Nick LaClair, breaks down how to execute a professional video shoot all by yourself. To ensure that you get off to the right start, we’re looking at the gear you’ll need as well as three key steps to take prior to shooting. Watch the video below…

How to Handle Trending Video Topics 

6 MIN TO READ Sometimes, you can choose when to participate in a fun and lighthearted online trend. Other times, that decision is made for you by crises that force you to upend your best laid plans. So, how do you know when to sit out a trend or jump on it? And, what should you do if you don’t have a choice? In…