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Setting Goals for Video Marketing

6 MIN TO READ Whether you’ve been making videos for your company for years or you’re just getting started, creating goals will be a very important waypoint on your quest for success. Like every other aspect of your marketing strategy, having clearly defined video goals from the start will help you in every step of the process.

2021 Video Marketing Refresh

4 MIN TO READ During the height of the pandemic, we saw an astronomical rise in video creation and consumption. In this post, we take a look at what companies can expect from video for the rest of the year and beyond.

Four Steps to Turn Your Smartphone Into a Camcorder

5 MIN TO READ It’s no secret that full-fledged DSLRs or camcorders record better video than smartphones. However, it’s important to note that smartphone cameras have come a long way over the years, and might be the exact tool you need in certain situations. In this post, we’ll break down four accessories you can buy to take full advantage of the camera you always…

The Importance of Sharing Videos on Social

4 MIN TO READ With so many new social media platforms popping up left and right, it can be tough to determine the best place to post your videos, or whether to post them at all. Not all platforms are equal when it comes to video, but with video becoming an enormous aspect of the social space, it’s more important than ever to get it right.

Best Practices for Creating a Video Using Stock Footage

5 MIN TO READ What can you do when you need to produce a video, but you don’t have the time or resources to shoot original footage? Enter the wonderful world of stock video. While this is usually used to fill in the gaps of original content, you can create fully fleshed out videos in no time, with the help of some creativity and…