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Private Live Stream: How to Host Exclusive Events Online

11 MIN TO READ Private live streaming is real-time video content for an exclusive, permitted audience. Live streams drive 27% more minutes of watch time per viewing than on-demand video content. And they require minimal production compared to on-demand video production. In this article, we’ll discuss the security features you’ll need and how to set up a private live stream.

B2B Video Marketing: How to Build A Successful Strategy

13 MIN TO READ B2B video marketing uses video throughout the customer journey to inform, educate, and assist current and prospective customers. The right B2B strategy will leverage video content for lead capture, relationship building, customer support, and sales. In this complete guide, we’ll walk through every step of creating an effective B2B video marketing strategy, with examples for brainstorming.

7 Ways to Use Video for Customer Support & Retention

7 MIN TO READ Video customer support is one of the best strategies for creating customer loyalty. Consumers expect timely solutions, and video provides immediate answers. In fact, video can be used for support and retention throughout the customer’s journey. In this article, we’ll discuss seven ways to use video for customer support and retention.

15 Best Corporate Videos & Tips for Creating Your Own

8 MIN TO READ Corporate videos showcase the best of your company. They convey valuable information and have become indispensable for persuading consumers and attracting job candidates.

We’ve compiled the 15 best examples of corporate videos to spark inspiration! Watch to see how corporate video can increase your company’s communication efficiency.

How to Create a Video Website in 10 Easy Steps

7 MIN TO READ Video websites are designed to showcase video front and center. They are an ideal solution for companies and creators who need a destination for viewers. Whether you want to build an employees-only video library or protect your content behind a paywall, video websites offer an affordable and effective solution. This article covers making a video website in 10 steps, from ideation to launch!

Best Practices to Securely Share Corporate Video

6 MIN TO READ Video is the most efficient way for businesses to communicate. Companies use video to easily share internal announcements, coordinate projects, onboard team members, and train new employees. From small businesses to large corporations, video enables teams to stay informed and coordinated.  Yet businesses need the ability to share videos privately. Security is essential for numerous video applications, from proprietary information…

How to Easily Write a Video Script (+ Free Template)

10 MIN TO READ It may be tempting to skip writing a video script in favor of “winging it. Writing a script is crucial to producing a compelling video that people will enjoy watching. It will also save you time, money, and frustration. This complete guide provides step-by-step instructions for writing a video script. Plus, grab our free script template to jumpstart your writing process.