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Posts Tagged with: Video Production

Four Secrets to Optimizing Video for Social Sharing

5 MIN TO READ Marketing videos are rarely shared in just one place. Most are published not just on your website, but across a multitude of social platforms, each with different aspect ratios, resolution limits, and time limits. So, how can you make sure your video will work no matter where it’s being shared without quadrupling your workload? In this episode of our “How…

6 Components of a Successful Video Testimonial

3 MIN TO READ No matter how many times a sales rep raves about your product or service, it can’t compete with a glowing review or testimonial from an actual customer. It’s like having a friend recommend a product; you’re automatically inclined to trust them. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at why video testimonials resonate so well with audiences, using two examples from our own archive. 

Bringing Video Production In-House

5 MIN TO READ Video marketing is probably a big part of your marketing strategy. And if it isn’t yet, it soon will be. As demand for video goes up, it begs the question: should your company invest in an in-house team to produce your videos? Hiring dedicated team members to produce videos regularly sounds like a dream, but how do you do it?…

Creating an Entertaining Holiday Video in Less Than a Week

3 MIN TO READ Creating a holiday video can be a struggle. Creating a holiday video within a short timeframe can be a nightmare, but it’s not impossible. Having creative limitations sometimes actually enhances the process.  In this blog, we’ll take a look at our own holiday video, walking you through our process from start to finish as we sought to create a cost-effective,…

How to Plan a Realistic Video Budget for the New Year

5 MIN TO READ The New Year always comes with a desire to improve upon the past, and video production is no exception. Whether you’re looking to do more of the same, or take things in a new direction, a solid budget will help you get there. We’re getting down to brass tacks in this blog post, and giving you a blueprint for budgeting…