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Post Category: How-Tos

Summer in the City: 10 Ideas for Capturing the Ambience on Film

4 MIN TO READ Well, the weather has been absolutely amazing, and it’s got us thinking about—big surprise—videography! More specifically, we thought it would be useful to offer up some of our tried-and-true tips for capturing the glow of summer on film. Have you been thinking about running a summer video campaign? The great news is that you can definitely produce something that has…

Six Tips to Help You Relax on Camera

3 MIN TO READ Very few people feel totally natural in front of a video camera. In fact, several people I know who speak in front of large audiences on a fairly regular basis, with plenty of confidence and charisma, freeze up when it’s just them and a camera. It’s hard to put a finger on exactly why this happens; part of it is…

Prepping for Your First Shoot of the Summer

3 MIN TO READ Are you ready for summer?? Okay, maybe it’s not quite time to break out the flip flops, but if you’ve got a video marketing strategy, chances are you’re gearing up to do some filming this May. While summer shooting might sound like a walk in the park, it has its own unique set of challenges to keep in mind. What…

10 Simple Tricks to Save Time on Video Production

4 MIN TO READ Ever been on a shoot that seemed to just drag on and on? Or pack up your gear and hit the road, only to realize you forgot a line? Retakes and mistakes can be a real time suck if you’re not careful. The estimated time to create a video can even be a deterrent for getting started in the first…

The Rise of the Food Hack Video

2 MIN TO READ If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, I’m sure you’ve noticed the rising popularity of the simple, ingenious “food hack” video by now. These videos, which usually feature a “how-to-make-something” theme and show the process in short clips from above, are truly an interesting phenomenon. They’re short, they’re engaging, and they have the uncanny ability to stop you dead in your…