17 Video SEO Best Practices
10 MIN TO READ Video SEO is key to ensuring you are getting the most out of your videos. Here’s our guide to what you need to know to rise through the rankings and leverage your rich content to drive traffic to your site.
10 MIN TO READ Video SEO is key to ensuring you are getting the most out of your videos. Here’s our guide to what you need to know to rise through the rankings and leverage your rich content to drive traffic to your site.
3 MIN TO READ If you’re part of a small team, your expertise needs to be incredibly wide-ranging. Everyday you come up with great ideas, you get creative with production, and then of course comes marketing your videos! Follow this guide to marketing videos on your own, and you can add another valuable skill to your ever-growing list.
5 MIN TO READ You spent hours perfecting your videos, and are ready to unveil them to the world, but, now what? Spending even more time customizing a WordPress or Squarespace theme is certainly an option. So is building your whole website from scratch, but in that case, you better know how to code. A third option, for those of us short on time…
5 MIN TO READ Whether you watched the Olympics or not, one thing is clear: people are getting better and better at sports. One of the most effective (legal) tools being used to enhance performance is video, and the ways in which it’s being leveraged for athletes inspired us to explore how the same ideas could be applied to video marketing. From performance analysis,…
6 MIN TO READ Note: We tried to avoid any specific spoilers in this post. Nevertheless, reader beware if you haven’t finished watching Stranger Things yet. If you’re like millions of Americans, you just binge watched eight episodes of Stranger Things, the runaway success on Netflix last weekend. You might have even rewatched it while shamelessly ordering more pizza, but we’re not here to…
4 MIN TO READ How do you know if you’re really getting your moneys’ worth from your online videos? It seems like it should be a simple equation: make a cool video, get people to watch it, and watch the traffic and sales flood in from all the shares and likes. In reality, you have to be using every single trick in your arsenal…
3 MIN TO READ Step away from the emails, switch the phone to silent and take a few minutes to enjoy our pick of the best viral marketing videos. And the best bit? We’ll let you in on the tricks they used to get it right, so you can officially chalk this up as work!
4 MIN TO READ Image credit: blossomstar (freepik.com) Just because it’s a trend, doesn’t mean it’s universally good. This holds particularly true for native video on social media. Native video has exploded in the past couple years, as Facebook and other social giants beefed up support for video content, and began promoting it heavily over other content types. But, is native video actually good…