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Post Category: Video Marketing

The State of Social Video

6 MIN TO READ When it comes to social media, the only constant is change. One of the areas that has seen the greatest amount of transformation is the way video is discovered and shared on nearly all major social platforms. Today, we are taking stock of the state of social video, with a demographic breakdown of the audiences on each platform. Keep reading…

The Rise of the Food Hack Video

2 MIN TO READ If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, I’m sure you’ve noticed the rising popularity of the simple, ingenious “food hack” video by now. These videos, which usually feature a “how-to-make-something” theme and show the process in short clips from above, are truly an interesting phenomenon. They’re short, they’re engaging, and they have the uncanny ability to stop you dead in your…

Five Ways to Supercharge Your Video Campaigns with Influencer Marketing

3 MIN TO READ Lately influencer marketing has been getting a lot of attention. More and more brands have caught onto the fact that it’s no longer companies who tell consumers what to buy. Rather, peers influence each other, and influencers set the tone for the masses. Here’s an in-depth guide to leveraging influencer marketing tactics in your next video marketing campaign.

Virtual Reality and the Future of Brand Experience

3 MIN TO READ Image credit: Nan Palmero Virtual reality is one of those concepts that has been on the horizon for what seems like a really long time. It’s been the subject of movies, TV shows, books, articles and various other forms of speculation. Even the phrase “virtual reality” has been used so often and for so long that the actual meaning has…

Five Habits of Successful Video Marketers

4 MIN TO READ Video marketing requires a certain amount of discipline, attention to detail, and rigorous focus on analytics to get right. Yet, it remains as much an art as it is a science. In this post, we look at five habits that separate the few from the crowds when it comes to delivering on exceptional video marketing campaigns.

Politics, Candidates & the Role of Online Video

4 MIN TO READ Online video has impacted virtually every aspect of modern life, and politics is no exception. In some regards, this is really nothing new—ever since President Kennedy was elected, we’ve all been keenly aware of how much video optics matter when it comes to winning over an audience. The savviest politicians tend to be those who, like all good brands, know…

The Science Behind the Role of Emotions in Video Sharing

5 MIN TO READ If you want someone to share your videos, you first have to understand what might motivate them to do so. As it turns out, when a piece of content elicits an emotional response from the person viewing it online, the chances that they’ll share it go way, way up. But, why? Here’s an in-depth look at the science behind why…

The Secrets of Storytelling: 11 Ingredients for Better Videos

6 MIN TO READ Why do we find stories so engaging? Why do tall tales stand clear and vibrant in our memories when facts and figures have long since faded? Maybe it’s because stories have been the backbone of humanity from day one. But how do you craft a story? Is there a formula? A concrete set of steps? In this post, I’m going…