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Post Category: Video Production

What’s So Great About Minimalist Video?

3 MIN TO READ Have you noticed that the “clean line” look is dominating high-end marketing in the last few years? Of course you have. When it comes to video, everyone from tech brands to musical brands to Instagram personalities have deployed minimalist tactics to achieve some pretty amazing results. What exactly do I mean by minimalist tactics? We’re talking about videos that cut…

Four Tips For Setting Up A Professional Green Screen Video Shoot

5 MIN TO READ Today’s guest post comes from Ben Hancock of Aletalk Productions, a London-based corporate video production studio. The limits of green screening are almost endless, and grant filmmakers on all budgets the ability to create impressive digital effects within their videos. Its versatility and the resulting post-production freedom mean that with a carefully planned green screen shoot, you can open up…

6 Great Apps for Making Video on iPhone and Android (2016 Edition)

3 MIN TO READ It’s been awhile since we pointed you toward the best in video editing apps, although creating high-quality video on the move has become an increasingly regular tactic for many brands. Not only are many mobile devices now capable of capturing video to a professional standard, but born-mobile video is also potentially better suited for addressing the mobile marketplace—a fact that…

How We Produced an Explainer Video for Under $4k

4 MIN TO READ Explainer videos have a bad reputation for being expensive and difficult to get right. When we set out to make a video showcasing our video website features, like any normal company with finite amounts of time and resources to throw at a given project, we had those very same concerns in mind. Here is a breakdown of how we managed…

10 Tips for Filming in the Snow

2 MIN TO READ Winter is fully upon us, with chilly winds urging many to stay cozy indoors. However, some of the best and most reusable footage can be captured during the coldest weather, providing you know how to prepare. In this post, we’re setting you up with the key info you’ll need to film in the snow, from looking after your equipment to…

How To Build an iPhone Camera Rig and Produce Damn Fine 4K Video

8 MIN TO READ Today’s guest post comes from Zack Ford, the owner of Barbaric Media, a video production studio based in Manhattan. I am shooting films with vibrant picture quality and crisp sound design, and I am doing it with an iPhone 6s. Using a camera rig I invented, and utilizing Adobe Premiere for my entire post-production process, I have turned my small…

Five Filming Tips for Easier Editing

3 MIN TO READ In a world where producing great video is essential, and capturing HD footage is effortless, editing has become the special sauce that can set you apart. Tommy Tranfaglia and his team created DreamItReel to give the masses access to professional video editing. As video editing experts, they know all too well that not all footage is created equal. Here are…

Kicking Off the New Year with 6 Video Intro Ideas

4 MIN TO READ Sometimes, even if you know exactly what you need your video to say, it’s difficult to know how to ease your viewers into the right frame of mind to be receptive to that message. That’s why creating intros can be one of the most challenging parts of making a good video. The bottom line is that your introduction has to…